Professional Practice Module: Project Five

These are four cards are from a brief that wanted them to have a way of greeting someone 'hello' so I decided to go down the typography route as I felt it would give me the best results. I used a range of hand-made and digital typography effects to give myself more practice. 
I started out by looking into how the world says hello to see if i could use it within my work.

This is some of the inspiration for these pieces of work, but I also looked into quotes that featured the words 'hello'

Professional Practice Module: Project One Final Piece

For this project I had to create an A4 illustration poster, in while I’m going to do 3 posters that all follow the same theme. For XL Recordings who are a British independent record label started in 1989 as an offshoot of Beggars Banquet Records.
For this project they are aiming at music lovers and people who love/ listen to the artists. They want me to celebrate the artist and highlight their seminal moments(s) in a way that engages and communicates to your audience.
This is my research mood board, i really loved the colours and the unique style

Cursive font

Since there has been a bit of a stuggle with the letter 'n' in the logo I thought this might help.



How advertising has changed:

Adjusting to perpetual motion – agencies have had to learn how to work on the go using smartphones or tablets. The target may be sporting smart watches or other tech-enabled wearable, this provides even more challenges for companies and agencies.
 New devices such as smart watches and other tech-enabled wearable products are the key to a costumer’s information, communication, social networks, payment methods etc.

How social media has changed advertising:

Before social media came along the way to market something was to buy different types of advertisements for example TV, radio, print, etc. to get as many people to view as possible by shoving it into their faces. People would call this type of advertising ‘interruption marketing’.

Social media sites –

Twitter gave the people a voice, instead of a one sided barrage of advertisements it became a conversation which was once just between co workers and friends, the average person has the ability to speak up and give their opinion with potentially big audiences. Companies didn’t know how to deal with this change.

Unlike the old way of advertising such as TV, radio or print where you buy people’s attention; social media is very different because you can’t buy people’s attention you have to earn it but social media is a massive opportunity for any company looking for an audience.  On social media you have to earn people's trust it isn't a site where you put something up and everyone has to see it, people can 'unfollow' you in an instant. 

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