Professional Practice Module: Project Five

These are four cards are from a brief that wanted them to have a way of greeting someone 'hello' so I decided to go down the typography route as I felt it would give me the best results. I used a range of hand-made and digital typography effects to give myself more practice. 
I started out by looking into how the world says hello to see if i could use it within my work.

This is some of the inspiration for these pieces of work, but I also looked into quotes that featured the words 'hello'

Professional Practice Module: Project One Final Piece

For this project I had to create an A4 illustration poster, in while I’m going to do 3 posters that all follow the same theme. For XL Recordings who are a British independent record label started in 1989 as an offshoot of Beggars Banquet Records.
For this project they are aiming at music lovers and people who love/ listen to the artists. They want me to celebrate the artist and highlight their seminal moments(s) in a way that engages and communicates to your audience.
This is my research mood board, i really loved the colours and the unique style

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